About the Fund


The fund was created in memory of our daughter Sam, who was a great kid and a great artist.  She understood that drive is the key component of success and she worked very hard to reach her goals. She was holding down a near full-time position at Whole Foods in Marlton NJ while working as an apprentice at Tru Blu Tatu in Bristol, PA.  Most days we only saw her when she was going to sleep or waking up to leave again.

Our lives changed forever when we lost Sam suddenly on March 12, 2013 at the age of 19.  She was in a terrible car accident and her injuries were too severe for her to pull through. To this day, it doesn’t seem real.  We expect her to come bounding up the stairs and hurriedly shove a pack of Wildberry Pop-Tarts in her mouth before running back out to her next job or (rarely) to go and hang with her friends.  She was a force of nature, and the silence left by her absence is deafening.

To aid us in coping with her loss, and to continue her memory, we have decided to help others in her name.  We started the fund with donations from our very supportive friends, family and coworkers.  We created the Samantha Lucas Memorial Art Award, which consists of both a physical and a monetary award.  More information about the award, including past recipients, can be seen here on the ‘The Art Award’ page.

In 2014 we applied for 501(c)(3) status with the IRS so that the fund would be recognized as an official charity.  Our application was approved in July 2014, and our fundraising has been successful enough to expand the award to the other three high schools in the Lenape school district.  We’re thrilled that we have the opportunity to keep our daughter’s memory alive.

We appreciate all donations, because every little bit helps us help others.
Thank you!

— Cynthia and Rodney Lucas